Use cases

Find the different ways to use talentguide

Build a dynamic, internal job marketplace and the future-ready workplace, with access to an unbiased reference framework that improves various HRM services. 

Skills Passport
Internal Recruitment
Job Design
Career Pathways
Strategic Workforce Planning
Skills Gaps
Up- & Reskilling



Skills Passports

Empower employees from multiple industries with digital Skills Passports that document more than job titles, detailing their hard and soft skills, along with expertise and interests. This tool enhances employability and supports personalized career development by providing a comprehensive view of an individual’s capabilities.

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Internal Recruitment

Maximize organizational efficiency by harnessing internal talent for role vacancies. Internal Recruitment strategies promote higher retention rates and employee satisfaction by prioritizing existing employees for new opportunities, leveraging their familiarity with the company culture and operations.

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Job Design

Let AI help you design job roles and responsibilities to better fit your employees’ skills and business needs. Effective Job Design optimizes employee performance and satisfaction by aligning job demands with individual capabilities and career aspirations, leading to increased productivity and job enrichment.

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Career Pathways

Enable your talent to explore and understand pathways for career advancement within the organization. Career Pathways offers employees clear routes to enhance their skills and ascend in their careers while providing HR managers with insights into the specialized skills available within their workforce.

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Strategic Workforce Planning

Plan strategically for your workforce's future by understanding and anticipating the skills you will need. Identify existing skills gaps, track emerging skill trends, and align workforce development with evolving business goals. This forward-looking approach ensures you are always ready to meet market demands.


Skills Gaps

Identify and address the skills that your workforce is missing to keep up with industry demands. By pinpointing areas for growth, Skills Gaps analysis helps in planning targeted training and recruitment strategies, ensuring your team remains competitive and capable in a rapidly changing market.


Up- & Reskilling

Stay ahead of industry changes and technological advancements by continually equipping your workforce with new and relevant skills. Up- and Reskilling programs ensure that employees evolve alongside their roles and the organization, promoting a culture of learning and adaptability.

Explore Career Opport


Provide comprehensive support to employees who are transitioning out of your organization. Outplacement services help maintain a positive company reputation and support departing staff in finding new job opportunities, reducing the stress of career changes and safeguarding their well-being.



Navigate the challenges of M&A by understanding and aligning the varied skills of combined workforces. Quickly identify skills overlaps and gaps to integrate teams seamlessly, ensuring talent remains motivated and aligned with new organizational goals. This strategic approach enhances career advancement opportunities, fostering skills synergy and aiding in the retention and development of key talent.

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Unlock your workforce potential!

Our goal is to equip you with a powerful and unbiased reference framework that enhances various HRM services, including skill-based job and people discovery, thorough employee development, and job (re)design. Together, let's unlock the full potential of your workforce.